Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11 Rodney Bay, St Lucia

Greetings from Rodney Bay, St Lucia. Today we checked in with customs which was a madhouse due to the ARC. Boats from all over Europe and England are arriving hourly after a 14-16 day passage across the Atlantic Ocean.

My camera is retired while Skip is here.......

A view of Rodney Bay from the top of a hill. Baby sailor students. Pirate ship....

Sunsets to die for from the boat....

Walking the docks where the ARC participants are recovering, airing out boats, bodies and gear, except for this lively Italian guy who got busted by the security guard for walking down the dock smoking a joint. "You can't smoke that on the docks, man".

1 comment:

Skip said...


nice visit!

xo pirate skip