Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17 PostOp Week 1

Craig made it through his first week at home like a champ. He is comfortable most of the time (courtesy of Darvocet), eating well (courtesy of Mom Yakel) and increasing his activity with good walks out and about in the neighborhood (courtesy of Dakota).

Judging by emails, phone calls and flowers, along with direct reports from my contact man on the audiovisual scene, Captain Skip, I'm certain the convention and trade show industry came to a screeching halt and then breathed a collective sigh of relief the day of Craig's surgery.
Craig's extensive network of friends are quickly on the scene.

Mike, Dennis and Ray came by for the afternoon on Wednesday.

FJM (Fabulous Jeff Marker) came by on Thursday. I hate that I forgot to take a picture, precious!! Knowing Craig, and along with his own brand of know-how, Jeff brought a get well toy and some mags. The remote control helicopters are THE BOMB!! I'm not sure which is more entertaining: watching Craig, watching Dokota (aka Killer) or flying them myself. Craig laughs so hard it hurts. This is good for him. I need a bit more practice but it's helicopter wars tomorrow. It has been raining a lot here. Ken and Diann can't send us outside to play.....

Other "anti-boredom" gifts brought by Jeff Marker:
Things to do with your formal dining room, you ask? Turn it into Puzzle Central like we did, puzzle courtesy of Craig's aunt and uncle, Dick and Barb Furst:

Yup, you heard it right: "I'm learning to fly it pretty good now"...


Dan and Sue said...

Wow - is Ken doing the "chopper limbo"? I'm impressed. You look great, Craig. So glad that this is going well.

Heal heal heal - because as you know - selfishly, we want to meet up with you this winter. Hopefully our sucky summer is behind us and we will be able to do that.

Thinking of you both daily!!


Dan and Sue

Candy said...

Oh, man - I can't wait to come up and try out the 'copters :) Mags is all well so we'll be up soon! Glad Craig is not faced with boredom during his re"coop"eration.

Yes - I can see that Ken would be a formidable limbo competitor :)

Big hugs!

Christy S said...

SO impressed at the Captain's abilities - especially when he screams like a little girl!


Sorry - couldn't resist - this runs a pretty close second to the 'splash' picture!

Very glad that you are doing so well with your recovery! :)

Pitcrewprincess said...

Hey guys! Glad to see that the healing process is going so well! Scott and Brayden are in town until Sunday and Billy comes in today so we would like to find a time to stop by and see ya'll. Shoot Billy a message and let him know when a good time would be.


Skip said...

CRAIG; I DIDNT TAKE A PHOTO during my brief visit this week, because YOU dont look sick. if you didnt have the scar i wouldn't believe you had any surgery at all.

Please continue to follow Angela's orders and stay well. Cant wait to see you guys again.

XO pirate skip