Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 11-14 Grand Mal Bay and Moliniere Point

Since it was to be several days before the parade, we pulled out of the marina to explore the area just north of St Georges. We left in the company of S/V Alianna (Rosie and Sim, from the UK, we met in Luperon) and S/V Bold Endeavor (Roy and Dunne, from New Zealand, we met in Puerto Rico). Once anchored in Grand Mal Bay, we took the dinghies over to Moliniere Point to snorkel an underwater sculpture park.
We cooked out on Bold Endeavor and enjoyed a nice evening with friends.

The caps and O-rings on our tanks have been taking a beating in the sun. Here are the elastic band hats I made to better protect them:

Here is a link to a video of the underwater sculpture park at Moliniere Point:


Skip said...

Dear Angela and Craig; it looks like so much fun. i am even more jealous than i thought i could be.

kiss Sim and hug Rosie for me! then kiss Rosie too. i miss all my travel friends.


Candy said...

Girl - you are going to have to paten some of these wonderful inventions :) Millions of dollars to be made LOL

Incredible sunset - bring a copy of that one home on your jumpdrive - I need a copy of that to go with my Key West parrot!