Views of the carenage...
National government complex in the carenage; local fishermen selling the days catch. Ladies were lined up at the curb/water's edge buying these fish by the bagful. The answer to your question is no.

This is the Sendall Tunnel...episode number 185 on this high seas adventure where I am so scared that I just might pee on myself. A dazzling word salad obliterates all other coherent thought. Here is a sample: auto-ped, multiple trauma, splenic rupture, life flight, crushed pelvis.
I ask a local who was walking with us (single file, please!!) if anyone ever got hit, she assured me no. Right.
This is what Craig refers to as the "water chopper". We were having the tech over at the marina give our outboard a look-see, and they loaned us this for the day. 25 horse. Fun. A local beach around the corner.

This is the fort overlooking the harbour. For you history buffs, here is a condensed but historically accurate account of what happened here a while back.
Maurice Bishop, a local no-account scalawag, staged a coup and took control of Grenada in 1979. He cavorted about doing really bad things like associating with Castro, the Soviets and turning the country into a socialist/communist state, kind of like what Obama is trying to do to the USA. Some of his inside cabinet men did not like these extreme antics and staged another coup, arresting and ultimately executing Bishop at this fort. Pandemonium ensued. The USA invaded in 1983 to establish order and restore democracy. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.
auto-ped, mulitiple trauma, splenic rupture, crushed pelvis, life flight - all cheaper than a steak dinner at III Forks! You obviously need more rum to calm your nerves. You'll be fine! :D
Spending time at work reading the updated blog :-) It always gives me the needed break.
As always, stay safe!
Hope you can find another way to get around that town without going through that awful tunnel!! How fast are those cars traveling through the tunnel?? And what about gas fumes??! Be careful--
Love, GOM (worrisome mother)
Looks like fun. Tunnel Schmunnel - you wont die that easily!
Loved the History Lesson. thanks for putting it in small words i could understand. perhaps use hand puppets or pictographs next time?
xo skip
and that is why Ronald Reagan's picture on the currency down there.
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