Monday July 6 In the afternoon we sailed over to Clifton again to check out of St Vincent/Grenadines, going by boat was a much easier journey. It is carnival here so everything is closed. We were pleased, however, to learn that the airport and customs/immigration is open. The officers have to be there since the airport is open but the customs man is taking a nap upon our arrival. Embarrass the officer by waking him up to check out? What to do? Craig comes up with a loud ploy…hollering something while we are out of eyesight. He is clever. The officer wakes up and his secret is safe with us. Even though they have to be there, we get charged overtime since it is a holiday. Something like $30, but still.
Tuesday July 7 We sail over to Petite St Vincent, technically still within the Grenadines but it is accepted practice for customs/immigration to look the other way since cruisers want to stop here but not then go all the way back to Clifton to check out since at this point, boats are headed south for Grenada. Petite St Vincent has only an exclusive resort on the island but is a beautiful anchorage. We are expecting storms in the next few days, so I take advantage of the full sunshine to catch up on laundry in the wonderwash and then we have adult swim and dinghy riding in the afternoon.

GOM says Mandevilla or crossvine. Keep the flower pictures coming.
Don't know nuth'in about plants- I'll leave that to the Queen of Green !! Stephen and I Love St Vincent and the Grenadines. You MUST ask him about his dancing adventure during Carnival many years ago !! It's a hoot. I absolutely LOVE the pix and it makes me miss the islands more and more !! COWS on beach? What's up with that? Did you see pigs fly too?
As always pea green with envy-
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