We scoot over to White Bay, known for the Soggy Dollar Bar, named as such for boaters swimming up with wet money and also home of the “painkiller”, a rum, fruit juice and nutmeg concoction. The BVIs are ever more popular now as a bareboat charter destination. There are boats everywhere and the bays are almost covered in mooring balls, leaving precious little real estate in which to anchor. Even so, the captains (Craig and Ross) find a spot and we tuck in for the night. We have adult swim, this episode complimented by jello shots that Fran made for the birthday celebration. After a quick run over to the Soggy Dollar, We return to S/V Hakuna Matata for champagne and steaks. Fortunately, the boys drank beer so the girls had the champagne to themselves….
We take off for Sandy Spit (of Corona beer commercial fame) and proceed to Cane Garden Bay for a relaxed evening on the boat. We discovered a leaky fitting on a propane tank when we were changing over to the spare so now have a priority repair. We will head around the corner to Road Town. Many charter boat companies run out of this harbour so there are marine outfitters who should have the parts we need.
Approach to Cane Garden Bay:
Sandy Spit and White Harbour:
This morning, Thursday 5-21, we parted with S/V Pacific Quest. They will tour other parts of the BVI as we stop in Road Town for repairs and then proceed to Beef Island to pick up Craig's sister who arrives Saturday. We hope to catch up with them down island. Thirty minutes out of the anchorage, we smell hot/electrical and see smoke, quickly followed by the cacophony of fire alarms. And I thought the squall was scary...try being in 100 feet of water under full sail and see smoke billowing out of the engine room fan. As our Aussie/Kiwi friends say: BUGGERS!! (my new favorite word of disappointment...so much nicer than the usual). Fortunately, no fire. Unfortunately, alternator burned to a crisp. Fortunately, spare on board. Unfortunately, mounts and belt with the spare do not fit. Fortunately, Craig an expert at engineering and can fabricate mounts from the magic bag. What is the magic bag, you ask? A magical bag of "stuff", the bowels from which my captain can retrieve kinky things and fix anything. And I mean anything, even if it means that the boat goes from tidy/ship-shape to nightmare faster than you can load up a Buffett CD...

So, we are glad to be in Road Town, where we hope the chandlery has propane fittings and a referral to an alternator re-build shop. We remember that the definition of cruising is repairing one's boat in exotic locations....these things are frustrating but it is still ALL GOOD!!
I LOVE Craig's haircut. (throw all the other guards away - he needs a #2 every time!)
Foxy's Bar. i didnt go there. when we cruised the BVI, our crew: captain & cook, refused to go there because Foxy's son had killed the owner of the bar next door with a spear gun. a drunken fight ends with another speargun death...
Jello shots via Fran. hey everybody needs to cook something. i want her recipe. better yet keep some in the freezer for me when i come visit.
Sandy Spit - island of Corona fame: this is a spot we did go.
Repair Photos: priceless. (for those of you at home - every Craig repair requires the entire boat be turned into a whirling spiral of parts, tools and sometimes cussing. regardless how well planned, practiced and provisioned, the exact part and tool you need are ALWAYS on the bottom, in the back, of the last place you look!)
Angela and Craig i miss you both! keep on truckin! xo skip
OK I am getting really really pea green with envy !! Every blog entry sounds better than the last- boat repairs and all. Just so you don't totally lose touch with reality- corporate world is alive and well-- IBM continues to make money by laying off all employees... GM is trading at a whopping $1.74... it's been raining in Tampa since last Monday (no complaints we desparately needed it)... and it's a long holiday weekend- so for a few days I will have Mojito Man do his thing and pretend I'm sailing with you !!
Continue to have fun- travel safe- happy repairs.
As always pea green with envy-
Love - karen
Looks like your having fun though Cant wait to cathcup sometime and do some fishing
The whole spelling thing isnt working That wa catchup
Hahaha - I didn't know that Craig was also known as Craig-guyver!!
Oh wait, now I hear the theme music!!
ALL is verrrrrrrry well here....can't wait to catch you up when we chat again!! ;)
Love you both!
HI guys... just checking in on you-- hope repairs are proceeding without too much fuss or $$.
So great to hear from you. I'm thinking that Kristie needs adult supervision! Well wait a minute - ALL of you need adult supervision.
We are planning on sometime after July 3rd so we'll map your progress and make a plan!
Like I said - there are about 10 of our friends and co-workers checking your trips so I'm going to tell them to not be so shy and BLOG away.
Dan and Sue
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