We arrive in St Thomas on Saturday 5-16. S/V Pacific Quest hails us on the VHF radio about an hour prior to our arrival. We get into the anchorage around 3pm, drop the hook beside our friends and celebrate Ross’ birthday that evening on S/V Pacific Quest. St Thomas is more big city than anything else…a good stop for supplies and laundry. We got a recommendation for a jeweler (there are jewelry stores everywhere), so I was excited to get my ring repaired as well as pick up a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne for my birthday.
St Thomas in the distance from Culebrita, approach and anchorage in St Thomas:

We went to St John 5-18 and stayed in Cinnamon Bay. If I tried I could probably write the blog at this point entirely from Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Chesney songs. JB: “St Thomas off in the west, I see General Electric still doing their best”. KC: “I’ve watched boats sail in and out of Cinnamon Bay”. JB: “as soon as we sail into Cane Garden Bay”. St John is pretty but not a lot to see above or below water, and we decide to move on to the British Virgin Islands.
St John, USVI...boats sailing in and out of Cinnamon Bay:
1 comment:
Oh - 'Buggers' i forgot to write a comment about the aussie comments... Ross and Fran "talked funny" and i dont mean they had a very lovely accent. (which they do) i mean - they talk funny. Ross was constantly saying funny aussie things. Angela do you remember all of them?
in the car on the drive to customs P.R. he was talking a mile a minute and i had to ask him numerous times to repeat things. he just talks so darn fast... (on the VHF radio i couldn't understand him at all. often we would ask him to 'slow down and speak texan.')
i told Ross that i have a bathtub on my sailboat and he said; "that's the bee's knees."
he also said, "bee's dick." i asked him to repeat this one three times. (Fran was laughing - she and i sat in the back, with Ross in front beside the PR driver. she could see my 'bewildered' face.)
definition: a small amount.(do you need more rope? yes, about a "bee's dick.")
they talk funny, those aussies.-pirate skip
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