We spent Valentines Day and the Captain's birthday in Miami at the boat show. This was a city-wide event, with Strictly Sail occupying the bayside marina in downtown Miami...all sailboats and all sailboat gear vendors...uh oh. We drove up to Miami Friday night and were at the gate when it opened. The Captain being an experienced boat show participant, we bypassed the tents and went straight to the boats on display. First stop, Island Packet, to see that sweet 485, just in case we win the lottery this week. Others that we toured included 40 foot+ yachts by Catalina, Tartan, Hylas and Passport, as well as several custom yachts that were for sale. We returned on Sunday to tour all the catamarans on display, including a 70 foot model offered at 5 million that charters for 50K/week, crew tip not included.
The weather was beautiful, sunny and in the 80's. We interspersed boat tours with passes through the vendor tent, enjoying the shade, cool drinks and picking up a few "can't live without" items along the way.

The marina was completely full of shiny new sailboats with all manufacturers flying their flags from the rigging. We wondered where all the usual slip occupants were...

Goobing for the camera at the Gill booth with new floating sunglasses. A justified purchase...I was on backups since my good ones broke.
We liked the classic beauty of this yacht....a wood varnisher's dream!

This was a 76foot custom yacht offered at 1.2 million. The stainless and granite galley was the size of our salon!
My hand barely fit around the standing rigging.

Latitudes & Attitudes is a magazine that caters specifically to cruising sailors. Bob Bitchin is the founder and a monthly contributing writer. We stopped at the Latts & Atts booth and were tickled for a photo opp with Bob himself.
Latts & Atts sponsored a party Saturday night with the Eric Stone Band. Below, a party wench. Where is a wide angle lens when you need it?
Also, a T-shirt with the motto of many Latts & Atts cruisers and the band playing sailing tunes.

Thankfully, the Captain meets the criteria. After a full day and evening of activity, we stop in Bubba Gump's for a beverage and dinner. Have you ever had a pomegranate margarita? Perfection in a glass...my new favorite. Note to self: add pomegranate liqueur to the provisioning list.
It was a great weekend and we drove home Sunday evening to the best sailboat of all, S/V Hakuna Matata.
The Admiral
I have been on here a few times and love seeing what you're up to. Sounds like you and Angela are enjoying life. That's what it's all about. I was stunned to hear about your cancer ordeal but it's sounds like you're doin' ok. I need your email address. Let me know when you plan to shove off cuz I want to contact you "live". PS - what's that thing on your chin. Love you, Tana
Hey man! That "Mirage" flag shirt looks really, REALLY, familiar. I'm guessing that you found it on S/V Hakuna Mata sometime after making landfall in Fort Myers after the crossing from Galveston? No worries though... I've got my backup shirt (remember the yellow "time-out" t-shirt that Mike gave me in 85?
I expect to see you sport it from time-to-time in as many ports-o-call as you can. Kinda like kidnapping a garden-gnome and posting the "ransom" pictures in different places!
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