Monday, January 19, 2009

January 15-19, 2009

Not much has been going on down here in the Keys over the last week but recovery continues to go well. We did have a doctor visit on the 15th and they removed the rest of my stitches and gave us the final pathology report. The tumor was cancer but from what the doctor can tell us at this point it does not look like it has spread and it is not a extremely aggressive tumor type which is all good. I have a cat scan this Wednesday to verify this, but even if it is clear it looks as if I will be doing radiation for about a month.
There is not a radiation clinic here in Marathon but there is one in Key West. Since I will have to go everyday we have decided to move the boat to Key West for the month of February during the treatments.
This last weekend we drove down to look at a couple of slips that were available and for rent. The marina is located on Stock Island just min. from Key West and the radiation clinic. It looks like we will try and move the boat to the new marina this weekend. Here are a couple of pictures from our "recon" mission this weekend of the new marina.

Angela has also been working on a few interior decorator projects. So we now have a couple of new rugs, one in the main salon and one in the galley area. She also purchased some new pillows for the main salon to add color. Here is a pic of the new rug and pillows in the salon.....very exciting stuff!!

Not much else to report here in Marathon....guess our next report will be from Key least we will be moving on!!
The Captain.


Skip said...

looks like a nice place to visit! jealous still...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the good ol' days. Radiation every day except weekends "cause cancer takes the weekend off too."

Don't know if you heard, but I went to something similar just at the other "end." A few thoughts from a vet.

Don't let them tattoo you. Just let them know that you live on a boat and never shower;-) A sharpie will do and you don't want to remember it forever. A bonus is you have never lived unless you have taken a shower with your "mid section" wrapped in Saran Cling Wrap.

Learn to enjoy taking your pants off for strangers--without paying them.

Do it early in the morning. Get it over with so it isn't hanging over you all day.

Keep eating!

When it gets to you and you can't shut your brain down, Ambien is your friend. (They won't give you Percocet forever (damn bastards!))

Seriously...when you get low, you have to think long term. You can live through just about anything to spend more time with the people you love--but you already know that one.

We are all thinking of you!
