Saturday, March 21, 2009

3/21 Saturday Random Stuff....

A shout out first: My friend Deborah underwent lumpectomy yesterday and is looking at a course of radiation. Prayers for her. Cancer keeps dropping bombs all around me. This must stop.
So, first, I noticed this yesterday morning while I was in the cockpit, drinking my AM coffee.

There were a few words of disappointment but since mothers are reading, I am unable to share. Suffice it to say, a hands and knees search ensued. I still look at my ring, like, every 15 minutes, so I knew it had to be close. And there it was:

Somehow, I must be living right to have found it.

We'll be looking for a high-end jewelry repair shop, and then I guess I'll tuck it away for special occasions. Lesson learned.
Back to fun stuff.
We grilled burgers for lunch today and decided to go dinghy-riding, one of our favorite sports. Dan and Sue: yes you said it exactly, we don't need no stinking generator. I can keep beer cold, and since no one else down here has fluffy hair, I'm over the hairdryer. Not a big deal like, say, not having OPI Cajun Shrimp polish for my toes. (The answer to your question is: 4 bottles)
This, friends and neighbors, is a cold beer.

First we ran over to Atlantis to tour around the marina area:

This is our reflection in the hull of M/V Helios...seriously, who puts this kind of wax job on a boat?? And how many boat boys does it take to maintain it???

Then along the coast of Paradise Island for a closer look at the shacks:

The local special drink is called a "goombay smash". The bartender must have poured from 8 different bottles, including that kinky tall Galliano bottle that we have all seen decorate bars but from which precious few of us have ever seen a drink made.

View from the bar and the footrest made from anchor chain.

This special photo is for the engineers, trauma nurses and other safety conscious types in our family and blog-reading public. Dig the scaffold and plywood platforms! An 8 foot fall is the threshold for trauma team activation in the US; I guess in the Bahamas, it's 8 stories...why go through the hassle and expense??

So, after a day of fun and frolic, here is what we decided on the generator. We can get the part, even at a reasonable price, but it's got to come from JAPAN and then channel through Mitsubishi distributorships before it can be sent to us. Best case scenario: 2-3 weeks. Well, we are done with Nassau and we ain't waiting around. Early this next week, we are pulling into a marina and inviting Brad (I can fix your generator, mon..oh hay, the part is 5 thousand miles away) to put ours back together. Then we are taking off to the Exumas. We gotta go. We'll hang around for a part somewhere else and in the meanwhile, we'll decide who is the lucky one to bring the new head to us in their suitcase. Volunteers???
The Admiral


svworthw8n4 said...

Can't say with words how much I am enjoying this vicarious jaunt through the Bahamas. One small word of note: The picture shown is of a properly chilled Coors. Personally, while I admired the lack of thermal units necessary to obtain such status, I take umbridge at the use of the term "beer" when juxtaposed with a "Coors". Simply not done by those with a respect for BEER.

Angela said...

Dear Darling Matt:
We are now cruising on a pauper's budget and as such, can not afford hoity-toity beer, such as Dos-XX, that more discerning palates such as yours might prefer.
Since you are not from Texas, you are forgiven for not knowing that truly educated palates prefer Shiner anwyay.
Kidding aside, the mystical coffee press is a wonderment!!

Anonymous said...

Save travels to the Exumas as you wait for generator parts from Japan. It sounds like you are still enjoying yourselves. I think you have had enough 'drama' for a while. Generator parts and lost diamonds!

Hugs -


Candy said...

Is that FRUIT in the Captain's beverage?? What is the world coming to?
Thank God you found the gem! Send to me for safekeeping :)
Looking forward to tales from exumas...
Love ya -

Candy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan and Sue said...

Lots of bedtime prayers going out from Waverly to Deborah. Be strong and hang in there!

I'm thinking that those foo-foo drinks look pretty inviting. OK - OK I should NOT have said foo-foo drinks but c'mon Captain - look at the glass and the . . . oh I don't want to tick you off since we are planning on spending some boat time with you - don't want to start a mutiny! Did I spell that right?

So good to hear the updates and of course, our prayers are with both of you as well.


Dan and Sue

Dan and Sue said...

Oh you know we FAILED to mention - we HAVE a suitcase and we CAN haul parts in the suitcase - parts is parts - right?? When do you need it? I'm thinking that Dan just needs to do a parts run for you two - he's in Colorado enjoying more MARCH snow - of course, he needs a parts run. Who wouldn't? And me? Well he needs adult supervision. Maybe we'll find one along the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Dan and Sue had better be in contact with Uncle Ken in Denton, TX. Last I heard the parts might be shipped to Denton and then they will need a way to get to the Hakuna Matata wherever it might be.

I agree with the drink...what has the world come to for the Captain!



flgatorgoddess said...

You know ... Candy is kinda far away to store the shinies- you may want to consider storage in the Tampa Bay area just so it's closer (hehehe)--- sounds like lots of offers to transport parts; but here is another one. I'm sure I could justify a trip to the islands on big reds dime (there is healthcare in the islands right??)-- seriously though- let us know if you need help or want to use our address as a ground point to receive stuff- then we can forward on. All drama aside- you still look like your having fun....

as always pea green with envy !!

hugs and kisses-

GOM & Dad said...

Just a note to all of you following the adventures of Craig and Angela, heard from Craig today, they are at Norman Key along with Loran and Ian of SV Lorian. Everything is going okay, no internet connection available, hoping to get a connection later to update blog. Plan to get to Georgetown by April 4-5 to pick up vagabound Skip.
